Tunica-Biloxi Tribe on Native American Authors

Native American Authors: Browsing by Tribe


Online resources about the Tunica-Biloxi

American Indians: The First Families of Louisiana
Author: Louisiana State Museum
Type: tribal
Description: Online exhibit featuring the major native groups resident in the Louisiana area at the time of French settlement.

URL: http://lsm.crt.state.la.us/CABILDO/cab2.htm

Introduction to Louisiana Indians – Tunica
Type: tribal
Description: Brief description of the tribe.

URL: http://www.eatel.net/~wahya/tribes.html#tunica

Louisiana Native Languages
Type: tribal
Description: This site presents elements of the main dialect of Choctaw (Longtown). The six remaining dialects are: Caddoan, Atakapa, Chitimacha, Tunica, Koroa and Natchez.

URL: http://www.eatel.net/~wahya/speak.html

Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana
Author: Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana
Type: tribal
Description: Official site of the Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana.


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