ipl Learning HTML

Line Breaks and Spaces

Now that you know the four basic tags (HTML, head, title, body) that go into your document, let’s look at all the stuff that you can put between the body tags.

Of course you are going to want some text displayed on your web page. As you saw from a previous example that all you need to do is type the words that you want displayed between the<body>and</body>tags. So try something like this…

<title>Learning HTML</title>

Woo-Hoo! I’m learning HTML!


Want to see what it looks like in a web browser?

Did you notice that I put in some extra blank lines when typing the tags for the example above? You can do the same thing with your tags, as well as your text. Don’t worry about how many blank lines or blank spaces you use because the web browser will take all of it and simply display it as one single space. Here is an example of what I’m talking about:


<title> Learning HTML </title>






Notice how the web browser just ignored all the blank lines between my words. That means you can go ahead and add as many blank lines and spaces as you want. Do whatever helps you to read your code.

Oh, and if you are wondering how to make extra spaces and line breaks show up in your web page, I will show you how to do just that next. right arrow

This resource originally created by Deborah Dunk.
Revised and edited by Michael Galloway in 2005 & in 2006.