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Sir Philip Sidney (1554 – 1586)

Nationality: British
Born: English
Periods: British: 1500-1700

Writer of Arcadia

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Astrophil and Stella

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Criticism about Sir Philip Sidney

Gender and Genre in the Sonnet Sequences of Philip Sidney and Mary Wroth
“And yet, when I actually read Pamphilia to Amphilanthus, what strikes me is not its similarity to Astrophil and Stella, but its differences, particularly in relation to gender issues. In place of the lively and at timeseven assertive Stella, there is the passive and victimised Pamphilia who cannot free herself from the perfidious Amphilanthus. Whereas Sidney seems deliberately to break sonnet conventions by creating not so much an idealised representation of remote feminine beauty as a living responsive human being who can act, Wroth allows her woman to remain inactive and helpless, the victim of another’s behaviour.”
Contains: Commentary, Criticism
Author: Jennifer Laws
From: Deep South v.2 n.1 (Autumn, 1996)
The Sidney Journal
An international scholarly periodical published twice annually (Spring and Fall) by the Sidney Society. It aims to provide a critical forum for scholars and students of Sidney.
Contains: Criticism, Commentary, Webliography
Author: Gerald J. Rubio

Biographical sites about Sir Philip Sidney

The Sidneys of Penshurst
This site gives background on the Sidney family as well as a nice biography on Sir Philip Sidney.
Contains: Full Bio
Author: Chris Sidney
Keywords: life, history, biography
Sir Philip Sidney
This site contains biographical information on Sir Philip Sidney.
Contains: Sketch
Author: Anniina Jokinen
From: Luminarium

Other sites about Sir Philip Sidney

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013