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Sites about Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick


Critical sites about Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick

Form vs. Content in P.K. Dick’s “The Father-Thing”
“From a wide perspective “The Father-Thing” (F&SF, December 1954) presents, in short story form, Dick’s two essential themes, ones that are repeated in one manner or another in most of his other short stories and novels. The stronger and more pervasive one, in this story, is: what IS a “human” being, as opposed to any other kind of being? And the second theme, one that is prevalent in all of his fiction: WHAT is “reality”? In a sense these two are combined in this story, to the extent that we might ask: what is the reality of a “human” being? That is, how do I REALLY know that (how do I tell, how do I identify, how do I discriminate) this person sitting across from me IS a “human” being? What is REAL about being a “human”? As opposed to, let’s say, an android.”
Contains: Content Analysis
Author: Frank C. Bertrand
Something Rich and Strange: P.K. Dick’s “Beyond Lies the Wub”
“Dick is chiefly concerned with explaining the why and how of reality, its metaphysical meanings and concomitant psychological effects. This latter aspect is a fundamental clue and means to explicating Dick’s fictional technique and inferring therefrom his metaphysics for, it is primarily via the psychological effects of his characters’ various encounters with reality that Dick manifests his concept of metaphysical reality. Initial evidence for such a manifestation can be found in P.K. Dick’s first published short story, ‘Beyond Lies the Wub’ (Planet Stories, July, 1952). It is a precursory microcosm of the wide range of metaphysical systems and ultimate philosophical questions Dick subsequently confronts and depicts in 115 stories and 35 SF novels.”
Contains: Content Analysis
Author: Frank C. Bertrand

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013