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Sites about The Satanic Verses

by Salman Rushdie

Two men miraculously survive a terrorist attack on their airplane, and later acquire strange manifestations of religious iconography– one develops a halo, the other more devilish accoutrements. The novel explores issues of religion and distinctions between good and evil.

Characters: Saladin Chamcha, Gibreel Farishta, Mahound
Keywords: Islam, India

Critical sites about The Satanic Verses

Notes on Salman Rushdie: The Satanic Verses
“This study guide was prepared to help people read and study Salman Rushdie’s novel. It contains explanations for many of its allusions and non-English words and phrases and aims as well at providing a thorough explication of the novel which will help the interested reader but not substitute for a reading of the book itself. Many links are provided to other sites on the Web where further information can be found.” This site was written by an English professor.
Contains: Content Analysis, Historical Context
Author: Paul Brians
From: Course Materials, Including Study Guides to Various Works http://www.wsu.edu:8001/~brians/guides_index.html
Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses
This uncomplimentary review points out that Rushdie was not the first to dangerously speak out through literature against orthodox Indian Muslims. It asserts that Satanic Verses is a fairly unremarkable book by an occassionally thought-provoking author and that it’s acclaim owes more to censorship than to literary merit. “Rushdie’s novel seems to be innovative. It is not. The Satanic Verses is perfunctorily a complex work from which the hard world of experimentation and the testing of ethical, ideological or philosophical narratives is absent.”
Contains: Historical Context, Review, Content Analysis
Author: Julian Samuel
From: India Star–A Literary-Art Magazine

Other (non-critical) sites about The Satanic Verses

The Satanic Verses Index
This index tries “to collect all the instances of names as well as certain ideas in The Satanic Verses. Page references are to the Viking/Penguin hardback (London, 1988) as well as to the international Consortium paperback (Dover, Delaware, 1992) editions.”
Author: Joel Kuortti
Author: Joel Kuortti

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013