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Sites about Troilus and Cressida

by William Shakespeare

Critical sites about Troilus and Cressida

Renaissance Dictionaries and Shakespeare’s Language: A Study of Word-meaning in Troilus and Cressida
“In her study of lexical meaning in Shakespeare’s plays, Hulme writes of “the gradual and piecemeal discovery of relevant information” that characterizes the search for evidence about Renaissance English. As much concerned with the manuscript records of the period as with printed books, Hulme describes the painstaking labour involved in locating and interpreting handwritten texts from Shakespeare’s time, and muses wistfully about the comparatively straightforward task of investigating the printed books of the period, evidence from which is documented in “our greatest of dictionaries,” the OED (Hulme 8-10). 2.Nowadays scholars approach the OED with more scepticism. As researchers like Schäfer have shown, the OED is far from complete and accurate. Much of the evidence from the available data was simply overlooked in the preparation of the dictionary (Schäfer).”
Contains: Historical Context,
Author: Mark Catt
From: Early Modern Literary Studies Special Issue 1 (1997): 3.1-46
The Texts of Troilus and Cressida
“This paper attempts to separate what we really know from what we think we know about the texts of Troilus and Cressida. In the past sixty-five or seventy years, a succession of stories that have little or no basis in fact have grown up around the play and its texts. These stories are interesting and, indeed, fascinating as fictions, but they should be carefully distinguished from the very few facts that we really know. In Part I of this paper, I will review and question these stories, and, in Part II, I will offer several hypotheses that concern the copy for the Folio text, the differences between the Quarto and the Folio, and the stage directions in the two texts. I offer these hypotheses as the basis for further research and discussion.”
Contains: Content Analysis
Author: W.L. Godshalk
From: Early Modern Literary Studies 1.2 (1995): 2.1-54

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013