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Sites about Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf

by Edward Albee

Critical sites about Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf

When Love Hurts
“Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf is a disturbing and powerful work. Ironically, it is disturbing and powerful for many of the same reasons. As the audience watches George and Martha tear savagely at each other with the knives of hurled words, sharpened on pain and aimed to draw blood, the way in which these two relentlessly go at each other is awful to see, yet strangely familiar. Like wounded animals, they strike out at those closest to them, and reminds one of scenes witnessed as a child between screaming parents from a cracked door when one is supposed to be in bed. In this age of psychoanalytic jargon, George and Martha are the quintessentially dysfunctional couple. Yet, with all their problems, Albee reveals that there is a positive core of feeling that unites these two troubled people and that helps them look beyond their self-created hell. The truth of their relationship is exposed layer by layer as the play progresses, like the peeling of an onion, and though the pattern of this truth appears vague at first, with each cycle of revelation, the pattern becomes more distinct, and the picture is fully revealed in the final, cathartic scene.”
Contains: Character Analysis
Author: Shirley Galloway

Other (non-critical) sites about Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf

Barron’s Booknotes: Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Includes information about the author, summary of the plot, notes on the characters, etc.. Plus sample test questions and term paper ideas. Registration is required. Turn off JavaScript before following link.
Contains: Plot Summary, Character Analysis, Historical Context, Content Analysis, Bibliography
Author: Michael Adams
From: PinkMonkey Barron’s Educational Series, Inc.: 1985
Author: Michael Adams
From: PinkMonkey Barron’s Educational Series, Inc.: 1985

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013