Poison Prevention – ipl: Information You Can Trust

About the Poison Prevention Site

Target Audience

This Poison Prevention Web site is designed for children aged 4 to 7 under the guidance of their parents.


This site contains two sections, one for kids and one for adults. In the "For Kids" section, you will find information about what poisons are, who can be poisoned, how poisoning happens, and where poisons can be found. In addition, there are a number of fun activities: games, coloring books and more. In the "Big People" section, adults can find tips for parents, teachers and librarians, poison proofing tips, what you should do if someone is poisoned, a list of poison preventiion centers in the United States, and additional resources on the Internet.


This site is copyrighted. Please see our Disclaimer & Copyright notice.

Site Developers

This site was a collaborative effort of several groups at the University of Michigan. This site is a project of the UM chapter of the American Pharmaceutical Association Academy of Students of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, School of Education, and Internet Public Library. For more information on these groups and our design guidelines, see who created the Poison Prevention site.

Our Sponsor

This project is sponsored by Academic Outreach Program at the University of Michigan.

Contact Us

We would like to hear from you, please contact us.
