5 Major Categories Of Symptoms Of Schizophrenia

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Schizophrenia is a mental disorder which alters the way a person perceives this world or its aspects. Schizophrenia makes it difficult for the person who is infected to know the difference between the real and the unreal, or have a clear understanding of reality. Some very commonly seen behavioral changes indicating one has schizophrenia are withdrawal from society, suspicion, hostile temperament, withdrawn gaze, and lack of expressions. Also, lack of personal hygiene and cleanliness, untimely not expressing joy or pain in the normal way. Some facts about schizophrenia are often confused with split personality or multiple personality disorder, schizophrenia is more common than multiple or split personalities. It is not a rare disorder, it is a common disorder and 1 in 100 persons stand a chance of being schizophrenic. …show more content…

Delusions are found in 90% cases of schizophrenia. Delusion is a belief which is held against all odds, evidence and analysis. Delusions in schizophrenic patients are bizarre, weird, illogical and fanciful. Hallucinations is a state where a voice, vision or sensations felt by a person out of his/her imagination is believed to be real, but in reality, they only exist in his head. Disorganized and non-sensible speech, a schizophrenia has fragmented thoughts and is evident in his/her way of talking also. They cannot maintain a proper synchronized chain of thoughts and as a result, the speech is also fragmented and disconnected. Irrational behavior the action and behavior is not goal oriented. They do a task for some reason which is only understood by them and not others. Others. They cannot take care of themselves. Negative symptoms these negative symptoms are the most difficult cases to be treated. There may be blank faces where there are no expressions, flat voice and no eye

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