Analyze The Changes In The American Colonies From 1607 To 1776

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Slavery during the periods of 1607 to 1776 had a drastic change in Britain's North American Colonies. During the time of the African Diaspora, Africans were spread all over the New World. This led to an adapting and different type of workability in the colonies. The developments started with the use of indentured servitude, Bacon’s Rebellion, and slavery. The Headright system became one of the main components to society. The system helped with expanding the thirteen British colonies. This was known from Jamestown due to their surplus of tobacco agriculture with shortage of people. The system was used for newcomers coming to the colonies to pay off their debt, who mostly were all European. The landowners gave work to the indentured servant in which they would be granted freedom from. Indentured servitude started off as an easy way to access freedom, but later became harsh. Servants were overworked, fed less, and had no shelter. But it still remained successful due to its accomplishment of servants reaching freedom with also a little land and landowners getting labor. …show more content…

This was a revolt led against government corruption and oppression. Led by Nathaniel Bacon with the help of slaves and farmers to go against the rulers will. There were high taxes, low prices on tobacco, and no given say to the authority. Nathaniel bacon led this revolt due to governor Berkeley failing to keep the frontier free from Native American attacks. He led a revolt to meet him; his led to no improvement. From seeing what freedom could do from indentured servants as in, Nathaniel Bacon, Plantation owners decided to settle away from them. Due to this. They moved to African slaves. When seeing that they were never free; the attraction to African Slaves became valid. The decreasing of indentured servants started due to the fear of more rebellions and the increase of African slaves

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