Argumentative Essay On Alcatraz

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It was a misty and eerie morning on the streets of San Francisco. Where a college boy named Lucas and a group of classmates were driving on a trip to do a research paper. Their topic was Alcatraz. Ten years after the closure of a prison for the harshest criminals. They decided to go on a trip and see what the prison had become of.

After a long drive from Michigan, the group of friends arrive at the San Francisco pier where they would get on a boat and head to Alcatraz Island. They got out of their car and walked over to where they would meet their boat driver and leave the mainland.

The driver’s name was Sam, he was an old man, maybe in his 60s with a grim look on his face. He didn't say anything except the orders to get on the boat. It …show more content…

The driver had safely let them off. The old man said that he would be back in six hours, but said something that made Lucas question everything, “Watch out for the prisoners”As the boat sped away Lucas and his friends were questioned to be worried or not, but they suspected that he was just making a joke.

The group of friends were walking around and exploring, but at the same time Lucas felt like he was being watched. They continued their journey, taking breaks from time to time, drinking and writing what they saw.

Suddenly a dark figure appears in the distance. And then another, and another, until there are about 15 grown men standing about 500 feet away from them. The group of boys are frozen in fear. One of the boys in the group broke the …show more content…

They continued their journey, taking breaks from time to time, drinking and writing what they saw.

Suddenly a dark figure appears in the distance. And then another, and another, until there are about 15 grown men standing about 500 feet away from them. The group of boys are frozen in fear. One of the boys in the group broke the silence,”run”.

All of the boys took of in a sprint heading back from where they came from, but had eventually gotten lost. Lucas was leading the way but could not see twenty feet in front of him. They could hear the group of crazed men following them, and yelling. When Lucas could no longer hear them he stopped and turned around. He was at the entrance of the closed prison, alone and terrified with adrenaline pumping through his blood. He quickly hides behind a shady bush near the prison itself.

Three of the crazed prisoners broke of from there group and are nearly 15 feet away from him and say,”We got you're friends, we’re coming for you

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