The Crucible Lie Analysis

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Beneficial Lies
A single lie has the power to destroy a whole reputation of integrity. Some are so profound in the art of lying that they even deceive themselves. Lying is an essential part of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, it is what causes all the hysteria in the town of Salem. When over half the town of Salem exhibit selfish characteristics, lying to themselves and others has become second nature. But why does one feel the need to lie? One engages in lying to benefit themselves or another.
Lying is used to protect oneself as well as others.Danforth, demanding an answer, yells, ‘“Is your husband a lecher!” Elizabeth: “No, sir.” Proctor: “Elizabeth, I have confessed it! She only thought to save my name”’ (393).
Elizabeth has been praised for her honesty and morality all along but now has been exposed in court. Is she two faced or does she posses a pretense? To everyone, besides the judges, it is evident she only sought to protect Proctor’s name and reputation. She values her commitment to her husband over honesty. She thought ruining his reputation would be the worst thing to happen to him, so she lied to the court, but boy was she wrong. Her little lie would only cost him his life. Act 3 is chock-full of other …show more content…

People are wired to protect themselves and improve themselves, with lying being the easiest solution. Whether we want to protect our reputation or a loved one’s, escape repercussions, or gain superiority, getting there truthfully and easily is almost impossible. Wouldn 't you take the easy way out if it was as simple as ABC? So can you blame the people of Salem for lying? That is up to the reader, but in the end did any of the characters really benefit? Next time a tiny white lie is on the tip of your tongue think of the long term consequences as the immediate benefit will eventually fade along with your integrity and

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