Betrayal In Hamlet

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Throughout the works of William Shakespeare, betrayal is often a central theme. “Hamlet,” for instance, depicts a rather broken set of characters where betrayal is used against one another. The play connects this idea through a hasty marriage, deception between characters, and breaking the close knit bond between friends. The overall concept of betrayal contributes to a concept of irrationality resulting in broken minds and broken relationships.

In the beginning of the play, Gertrude betrays Hamlet by marrying his uncle, Claudius. Hamlet, still mourning his father’s death, feels even more pain when he learns about his mother’s marriage. His feelings of betrayal are conveyed to his mother when he says, “Mother, you have my father much offended… You are the queen, your husband’s wife.” (3.4.10-15) His father’s death and the marriage between his mother and uncle has led him astray into a world full of uncertainty. Hamlet, to avoid emotional consequences, might have needed to take into account the reasons behind his mother’s sudden marriage. Through such rash decisions after this event, he does not fully understand the emotional consequences that could take place amongst characters. …show more content…

Such actions elaborate on the fact that Hamlet is channeling his inner anger in hopes to frighten his mother. Betrayal does not benefit either party, so Hamlet attempting to act in a way that could mentally harm his mother is not necessary. This hurts his mother’s feelings, as well as going against his father’s

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