Bible Movie Vs Book

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The Bible The Book of Books written several thousand years ago. Loved and cherished by many, yet hated and despised by others. But this Book is more than just a book. This Book has changed lives, contains more prophecies than any other religious book, and has been ahead of scientists throughout history. Even when theories contradicted it and people thought that it was old fashioned and needed to me removed or reformed, we found later that it wasn't the Bible that needed to change but the theories. No other book in history can compare to this one. There is only one way this book would be able to do all this and that is for this book to be God's inspired word. But in order for it to be God's inspired word it must also be infallible. Since …show more content…

In Mathew 27:5 (And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself) it says that Judas hung himself. But in Acts 18:1 (Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out.) it appears to give a different story of how Judas died. This is another popular “error” that people use to prove the Bible wrong, but if you study it more you learn that once again it isn't the Bible that is wrong. An error only occurs when you view this from a perspective that these are two separate descriptions of how he died. Instead this is an order of what happened to him. Matthew writes about how Judas died, by hanging himself. Luke (the author of Acts) writes what happened to Judas after he died, there isn't any mention that this is how he was killed. Now as to how both these things happened to him there are 2 explanations. The first can be found at this link The second is that Judas fell off a cliff when he hung himself. It would be easy for Judas to hang himself over a cliff from an overhanging tree branch. The branch would just need to break and this verse becomes true. This isn't a contradiction like many claim it …show more content…

Many books don't contain errors but that doesn't mean God inspired them.” But the fact that there are no contradictions in it is truly amazing. The Bible was written by over 40 authors from various areas of life. It has been written by shepherds, farmers, tent-makers, physicians, fishermen, priests, philosophers, and kings. Not only that but it is filled with topics that today many people have different opinions about, but in the Bible they all agree! Do a test and try to get 5 people today to agree 100% on only a few matters of opinion. Yet as if this wasn't enough, the entire Bible was written book by book over a 1,500 year time period. And some of the authors never read or heard any of the others' writings. And we still don't find any contradictions. This is one reason why I say the Bible is divinely

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