Compare And Contrast Ethiopia And Usa

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Do you know anything about other cultures besides your own? We live in a world with numerous countries and diversities. Each country has its own appeal and positives and often times we find ourselves comparing the resemblances and differences between these nations based on a variety of aspects like geography, culture, language, economy, government, weather and so on. Ethiopia is a country with a rich historic background which comes with a variety culture. The U.S is another country with an amusing culture. The U.S and Ethiopia share their difference on the weather, education, and language, while they also share their similarities on gatherings, sports and countless other things.
One of the major differences that these two nations have is the climate changes. The weather in Ethiopia is extremely different from the weather in the U.S. In Ethiopia it is warm for the whole year, but the weather changes every season in the U.S. In Ethiopia there is not much rain like in the U.S. Ethiopia usually do not counter a snow season, they have hail. Weather can impact society’s culture. In a snow season American people often stay home and enjoy their day with their family and loved ones. Meanwhile in …show more content…

In the U.S the primary and only language is English. English is an international language that is a custom to everyone. It is also well-known amongst majority of the nations. English is also practiced and taught to people in Ethiopia. Almost all schools in Ethiopia are taught with English. When looking for a job in Ethiopia the first thing they ask is whether an individual is fluent in bilingual and the second language most definitely had to be English. This doesn’t mean English is popular in Ethiopia, it just projects on how much English is known and taught tin Ethiopia. The U.S only one language, but there is more than eighty five different languages in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is rich in its

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