Daphne Du Maurier Rebecca Techniques

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"Rebecca" is a novel by Daphne du Maurier that explores different engaging and creative language devices. The language used is notable for its vivid and descriptive imagery, which helps to create a sense of mood and atmosphere throughout the novel. The language is also rich in symbolism, particularly in the frequent references to the sea and the weather, which are used to reflect the emotional states of the characters and the overall tone of the story.

When I initially read the text, the term 'manderley' repeatedly appeared. This symbol had to be significant in the protagonist's life. The author of the text was unknown because it was written in first person and did not include their name. The protagonist emphasised this function by employing …show more content…

All of these tactics resulted in which are utilised to depict the characters emotional states as well as the general tone of the tale. produce greater meaning and resonance in the novel, especially in the usage of the mansion, Manderley, as a metaphor for the psychology of the protagonists.

A specific quote that I found intriguing was
"On and on, now east now west, wound the poor thread that once had been our drive. Sometimes I thought it was lost, but it appeared again, beneath a fallen tree perhaps, or struggling on the other side of a muddied ditch created by the winter rains. I had not thought of the way for so long."

This quote expresses her thoughts as she journeys along the winding road leading to Manderley, the estate. The "poor thread that had once been our drive" references the road, which was in better shape when the previous Mrs. de Winter was alive but has since deteriorated. The narrator thinks on how, despite having travelled this road several times, it still feels foreign and uncertain to her. The picture of the thread twisting "now east now west" and reappearing after being lost or obstructed refers to the narrator's personal journey as she adjusts to her new existence at

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