Dust Bowl Research Paper

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The Dust Bowl was an economic event that happened in the Great Plains during the Great Depression in the 1930’s. The causes of the Dust Bowl was the dry farming technique, the drought, and high winds. The dry farming technique helped the farmers grow more food in the Great Plains because the land was somewhat dry. The drought made the soil loose, and turn into a powdery substance. The high winds started blowing in 1934, which carried the dirt through the air. All of this caused dust storms to form in the early spring of 1934. The dust storms started out local.Then, two dust storms came into one, enlarging it and making dust storms into a natural disaster. Dust storms went on for thousands of miles, destroying everything in its path. A lot …show more content…

Families lost homes, land, food, animals, or even their own lives, because of dust pneumonia. The Dust Bowl made many people in the Great Plains move west.Because of the effects of the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression, many people started moving west hoping to find a better life. These people became to be known as the Okies. When the Okies reached California, they met new challenges and their hope went dry. The people treated the Okies as unwelcomed aliens. They were forced to live in squatter camps, and had to fight for jobs and were treated unfairly. This started problems in California.Because of the increase in migrants coming to California, Los Angeles Police Department sent sheriffs to the state lines to deal with the Okies. The sheriffs make Okies with no money to go back to where they came from. Bordering states were angry because they were dumping the Okies back on them. Eventually, the police went back to Los Angeles but the Okies kept coming.To give jobs to the Okies, people had to send immigrants back to their country. Mexicans started out coming to California to find farming jobs. Many farm owners recruited them believing that they work harder than most …show more content…

Okies lives were hard in California. The migration of Okies brought their politics, dialects, attitudes, and denominations to California. Okies changed the popular culture of music in a lot of ways. Urban rock and folk music as well as country music infused to make up the popular culture of California. The Okies changed a lot of things in California. President Hoover underestimated the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl, and started out assuring the citizens that this would be over in 60 days. When the depression got worse, he started a government financed program called the Hoover Dam. The problem of that was Hoover didn’t have money to pay for the program. Eventually the “Bonus Army Fiasco” happened, removing Herbert Hoover from presidency. People elected Roosevelt as president of the United States. President Roosevelt started working as soon as he became president. Roosevelt started borrowing money from the rich and opening up factories and he gave money to towns and cities so they can rebuild, and open up shops. He expanded the military, providing jobs to the men, and women. To stop the Dust Bowl from expanding, Roosevelt hired people to plant trees in the Great Plains to provide wind

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