Eco 365 Week 4 Case Analysis Paper

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In response to your query for the average delivery times for orders on Football Saturday’s I want to advise that you should give 30-minute free guarantee. After analyzing the sample of delivery and pickup times you provided I was 95% confident that the probability of providing an order for free was just between 3% to 10% of all the deliveries you give on the Football Saturday’s.

Your analysis of the total delivery time was correct and the average interval of time taken to deliver the order after receiving is between 22 minutes to 24 minutes. I am 95% confident that this is the average for the all the football Saturday’s you serve in the future. Until and unless there is some unforeseen circumstances.

In the sample of 200 football Saturday’s you provided I was able recognize that the delivery drive time was a major factor for any order getting late. It is evident that all the drive times which were greater than 20 minutes had the order delayed (i.e. more than 30 minutes). Although, the pickup time for 125 orders in the sample was more than the average pickup time. So, this also brings us to the recommendation that we should collaborate the orders …show more content…

As this will be a very lucrative offer for consumers, who stay far from your outlets in their area or those who order a lot of things to eat at once (that will increase the amount they spent on the order). When around 95% of your orders get paid on the busiest days of the week regularly, you can afford to give away 10% of your orders for free for one Football Saturday this will not affect the sales of the restaurant as a whole. In fact, the consumers who got the orders for free would tell their friends and families about it. This will be a free mouth to mouth marketing. And when the friends and family try to buy from your restaurant they will be trying the luck on 3% to 10% of the

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