Edward Taylor Huswifery Rationalism

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Puritanism is a belief that occurred between the years of 1600 and 1800. Puritans saw religion as a personal experience. They believed that God elected who was going to be saved and who was not. In literature, Puritans had a plain style of writing. An example of a Puritan text is, “Huswifery” by Edward Taylor. Rationalism is a period that occurred between the years of 1750 and 1800. Rationalism is a period in which people used reason instead of authority or past religion intuition. This period was mainly comprised of writing speeches and pamphlets from philosophers and scientist. An example of a rational text is, “To a Lady on her coming to North America with her Son, for the Recovery of her Health” by Phyllis Wheatley. The roles of these two …show more content…

Taylor doesn’t necessarily use positive words. For example, “ Thy holy word my distaff make for me. Make mine affections Thy swift flyers neat and make my soul Thy holy spool to be” (Taylor). In this quote, distaff nor spool can be positive words. What Taylor wants is for God to make all that he says the most of him. He also wants God to take all flaws and make him a good person. The negative words aren’t what the author

seems to mean, they are used in a positive way. This letter is because he wants to be part of Gods plans.

In “To a Lady on her coming to North America with her Son, for the Recovery of her Health” a women is going to North America to get better from her health. The text states, "There hope that health will my arrival meet" (Wheatley 1). The woman has hope that she will get better. She does not depend on God to get better. If a person from the period of Puritanism were to have health issues, they would think that God wanted that to happen and was punishing them. The difference is that Puritanism involves God to everything, Rationalism not only involves God but also

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