Essay On Equality In America

576 Words3 Pages

It is 2016. There are families without roofs over their heads. There are children without food for dinner. There is gang violence; low income areas are riddled with crime and unsafe living conditions. There is racism, sexism, and homophobia. We have a lot of problems.
There is war; there are families living in fear of air raids, there are people seeking safe havens that are turned away. The climate is degrading, the oceans are rising, species are going extinct, we are running out of space, we are running out of time.
We have a lot of problems.

How many negative comments about the election and American politics will it take? How much hate? Is your post more important than others? Is my article more important than others?

No. …show more content…

We may have a lot of problems but what comes with a problem? A solution. I know this may seem like really complicated math, but generally at the end of every problem is an equal sign. Equality. What solutions can you propose for equality? What good can you do? The number of issues this country faces today are able to be solved. There is so much room for improvement. There are so many opportunities to be a good person today. There are so many people you can help. It is time to channel your energy away from negativity and towards something productive.

Donald Trump is going to be the president of the United States. Whether you voted for him or not, it is time for acceptance. Acceptance of one another. Empathy for other opinions, other viewpoints, other religions. Put yourself in someone else’s place. Put yourself in the business person’s place who worked hard to get where he or she is. Put yourself in the HIV patient’s place who gets routine checkups and treatment at Planned Parenthood. Put yourself in the veteran’s shoes. Put yourself in a single parent’s shoes. Put yourself in a Black, Muslim, Gay, or Trans person’s shoes. Put yourself in the college student’s place who is the first from their family to go to school, and is drowning in student

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