Everything Is Green By David Foster Wallace

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Jocelyn Pantoja
Professor Z
Engl 002
February 12, 2022

Failure to love

Relationships are hard. Doesn’t matter if it's a new relationship or an old one they constantly have ups and downs and divorce rates have only increased since the 1900s. One of the most important things in a relationship is consistency showing up and showing them you are present in the relationship. In the short story “Everything is Green” by David Foster Wallace implied how he is the reason his wife was led to be unfaithful because of the implied theme of failure to show love. The story we are told in First person from Mitch, the main character who is also the protagonist's point of view. Within the story itself we see grammatically incorrect sentences where the author …show more content…

The author's first line is “She says I don't care if you believe me or not…..” (Wallace 58). Which off the bat is impling third person point of view because it is a line the antagonist Mayfly is saying to him but we aren't able to realize that until the third sentence where we realize Mitch says “So I feel like I know” (Wallace 58). Wallace leads us to think that the story will be in third person onely to yet keep reading the story and question and makes you reread the initial first paragraph to double check which point of view it is going to be told …show more content…

We are given the fact that Mayfly says she doesn't care if Mitch believes her or not because she is telling the truth (Wallace 58). From the start we are given the fact that Mayfly is the one to blame because she is the one to be unfaithful first but that's not all a relationship is. We are then given that Mitch says “It is time I have got to not let things just carry me by any more” (Wallace 58). He implies that it is not all Mayflys fault since he has just been going with the motions of life and not putting in as much effort into the relationship. With that being said I thought that Mitch was the Protagonist since he didn’t do anything necessary morally or ethically wrong whereas Mayfly was unfaithful in the

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