Examples Of Prejudice In The Crucible

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Prejudice is good Millions. Millions have been slaughtered ruthlessly and mercilessly in the name of a false morality created by prejudice. Prejudice is the cause of the 6,000,000 dead jewish people in the holocaust due to Adolf Hitler. Prejudice is the cause of the deaths of innocent black men by police. These millions of people can only begin to describe the true suffering due to prejudice. Prejudice is the cause of immeasurable amounts of emotional pain and suffering. Prejudice is the cause of everyday stigmas and stereotypes that endlessly pile up and torment innocent people. Prejudice is responsible for every murder, for all of the sadness, for all of the pain, and for all of the suffering in the world. With every portion of sadness, …show more content…

The Crucible shows us the prejudice of the witch trials leading John Proctor to the realization that prejudice in the judicial systems is morally wrong. Proctor is accused of conniving with the devil based purely on prejudiced claims from his mistress Abigail during the third act of The Crucible. He attacks the prejudice ways of the court when he states “You are pulling Heaven down and raising up a whore!” (KJH:KLJHH:HAI) By Proctor stating this, we are able to see another example of someone realizing the moral good from prejudice. Since the book was based upon a historical event, we can see the moral good in our own opinions and the reflections upon the event. The courts that were prejudice against innocent people eventually found the moral good and “On January 14, 1697, the General Court ordered a day of fasting and soul-searching for the tragedy of Salem. In 1702, the court declared the trials unlawful. And in 1711, the colony passed a bill restoring the rights and good names of those accused and granted £600 restitution to their heirs.” (maybe needed i don't know) The general opinion on the Salem trials is now that they were morally wrong and it is likely that we would both agree with that sentiment. The current public opinion and Proctor figuring out the moral good gives us more examples of how prejudice leads to the uncovering of a …show more content…

For example, common stereotypes of different races, genders, and ethnicities show us how a large portion of the population are prejudiced in some manner. Recent scandals involving sexual misconduct have rattled America and show us how some men in power can be prejudiced against women. With the introduction of these stories to the mainstream media articles and news shows we can see the general population deducing a moral good in real time. Since the initial release of scandals involving popular actors and figures in america, the general population has moved to believe that sexual misconduct with these figures is reflective of a problem in society. Pew Research Center conducted a poll that states “sixty-six percent of the general population say that recent allegations of secaul harassment and assault mainly reflect widespread problems in society.” (asdfgasdfgasgsdg) The move to find sexual harassment as a widespread problem and condemn those who have committed the act shows us the population moving to uncovering the moral good that tells us sexual harassment and assault is

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