Examples Of Quit At Valley Forge

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Snow pouring down by the gallon, visibility is limited. Food melts faster than a F14 Tomcat fighter plane flies. This is only a brief description of the horrors at Valley Forge. From December 19, 1778, to June 19, 1778, the Patriots set up their camp for the winter - Valley Forge. Located 18 miles Northwest of Philadelphia, the Patriots are on a losing streak, first defeated in Philadelphia in March and then Long Island in August. After these two losses, it leads them to Valley Forge. After all of this, things only get worse. Only from looking at this, would you have quit at Valley Forge? By "quit", I mean to not re-enlist in the army after Valley Forge. If you choose to stay, you are in for a rough ride because I am booking it after Valley …show more content…

To the normal person, this is the opposite of the American dream. For all you know, you could be next. Slowly dying a cruel, slow death. In Document A, Noel F. Busch says that out of 12000 people, 1800 to 2500 people died. Also, a painting by William Henry Powell shows a horse dead on the ground. With these two pieces of killer evidence, leaving Valley Forge seems like an early Christmas present. With the odds of dying higher than the first wave of D-Day, slumped over bodies is not my ideal setting. This is only one reason I would book it out of Valley …show more content…

First off, Dr. Albigence Waldo, who wrote a diary at Valley Forge states, "Poor food – hard lodging – Cold Weather – fatigue – Nasty Clothes – nasty Cookery..." This quote shows that not only did the soldiers have bad and small amounts of food, but also horribly built shelters, trapping smoke in making it impossible to breathe. Additionally, he states, "Why are we sent here to starve and Freeze.... There comes a Soldier, his bare feet are seen thro’ his worn out Shoes," This quote shows that the living conditions were so bad at Valley Forge that people didn't even have clothes and shoes to wear in the middle of winter. I'm not sure about you but I like to have at least sneakers on when trekking through the snow. Ultimately, the horrendous living conditions would prevent me from re-enlisting

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