Fast Food Is Wrong Research Paper

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The joke might be funny, but it probably conveys some truth in it, isn’t it? These different trademarks of quick meal eateries may be mankind’s greatest achievement of all time. Not only had it saved everyone times, it is also the easiest and cheapest way of eating. This will certainly oblige our fast paced changing society, to recourse to fast-foods for meals to save time in their busy schedules. I do eat in fast-foods place too, but of course occasionally. I don’t intend to see myself on my way for a stairway to heaven anytime soon. The irony of this joke will not go away for sure while we are transcending to this millennium. Many in the society are already raising concerns about their personal health realization when it comes to what …show more content…

But in spite of all the health issue concerns, many still are unaware or ignoring the risk involved in the consumption of fast-foods. As we begin our journey to this new eon, our social lifestyle also changes. The inferences of this message regarding our health lie upon our own personal choices about what we put in our body. I remember the good ol’ days when I was growing up and say that my mother’s cooking is the best! Having a family of my own, I made sure the traditions I learned to my parents are passed on to my love ones. Cooking is one of them, and I make sure that I provide my family healthy meals as much as I can. Now a day; young generation parents who are both working and lacks the time to cook for their family, resorts instead of fast food restaurants. It’ll be nice though if the kids become grownups and will remember their parents cooking, providing them a healthy meal and not substituting healthy home cooking for processed unhealthy fast-foods. I believed that everyone should be careful when choosing fast food over home cooked meals, because of all the health risk involved in it. …show more content…

According to a study conducted by the CDC, that Americans are getting fatter and fatter every year. That more than one third (36.5%) of U.S. adults is obese. In contrast to what the medical community says, fast-food giants’ fights back by hurling propagandas of their own “There 's nobody at McDonald’s shoving fries in your mouth.” This was noted by McDonald’s own Chief Nutritionist Bonnie Modungo. Although they do have a point that they do not force the consumer to patronize their products, Fast-food restaurant still have the moral obligation to provide enough information to the public about the contents of the food they market. People have the right to know what they are purchasing. That is why there are so many lawsuits after lawsuits that are being thrown to these mogul companies to force them to take responsibility for their

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