Figurative Language In Princess Diana

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In a grieving world, following the shocking death of Princess Diana, her younger brother Earl Spencer conveyed the heartbreaking tragedy to the world after experiencing the tragic loss of his beloved sister. Earl Spencer could have focused on his feelings but he instead shifts the focus to Diana entirely; and even though many funeral orations focus on the feelings of the speaker, Earl Spencer ignores his feelings and instead focuses on Diana's beauty, her contributions to the world, and her beloved children. This method Earl Spencer uses to present his oration is incredibly powerful cause it shows that his feelings can not be expressed, so by analyzing all the good Diana has done in her short life, he finds his peace.
Earl Spencer created …show more content…

Earl Spencer views his sister Diana as an example of perfection, and thinks of her as an extraordinary example of a woman that has it all together. As proven in the quote, "Diana was the very essence of compassion, of duty, of style, of beauty.". Diana had her priorities straight and besides all of her responsibilities and her desire to help others her beauty was still able to shine with the way she was able to present herself. This appeals to logos because it proves shows powerful evidence supporting the idea that Diana was beautiful inside and out. Earl Spencer truly believes that there will never be another person like Diana to walk on the face of the earth. By the way she put other people before herself she was an incredible human being, as Earl Spencer stated in his oration, "All over the world she was a symbol of selfless humanity." The world experienced a tragic loss the day Diana passed, she set a great example of how we all should strive to be. This quote also shows appeal to logos because it proves her inner beauty shined where ever she went, this is also proven in the quote, "the extraordinary and irreplaceable Diana whose beauty, both internal and external, will never be extinguished from our minds." …show more content…

Earl Spencer believes that its his responsibility to speak for the world as proven in this quote, "A family in grief, a country in mourning, before a world in shock." By appealing to pathos Earl Spencer compels to the loss of a beloved person around the globe. The sentimental statements made by Earl Spencer hits a soft spot in everyone so weather you knew Diana or not you felt at a loss. As stated in the quote, "We are all despaired at our loss". People like Diana make their passing extremely hard. When you've spent your entire life dedicating yourself to others and impacted so many lives, the loss is unexplainable. Earl Spencer finds peace in the fact that his sister is in a better place, and he knows life will not get easier with Diana gone; but he is still able to thank God for placing such an incredible women in his life as Earl Spencer describes, "Above all we give thanks for the life of a woman I am so proud to be able to call my sister." This quote appeals to pathos because it helps people relate to the feeling being experienced by Earl Spencer in this tough time, by stating his attempt to find closure it helps the world around him try to do the same. This helps strengthen his primary argument of focusing on Diana, the good she left behind, and taking our emotions out of the equation, by doing so Diana's inner and outer beauty is recognized which gives us all

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