George H. W. Bush Influence

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George H. W. Bush was the 41st president of the United States, serving from 1989-1993. In his inaugural address Bush pledged to use American strength as a “force for good”, hailing a march for democracy and people’s independence. He also aimed to make the United States more eco-friendly wanting to be the “environmental president” and strived to maintain the U.S. as a peacekeeping nation through his foreign policy efforts. Overall it is easy to argue that George H. W. Bush was successfully dedicated to traditional American values and his determination to direct them towards making the United States “a kinder and gentler nation” in the face of a dramatically changing world.
President George H. W. Bush was a president of democracy and freedom. …show more content…

Bush was successful in maintaining the U.S as a peacekeeping nation through his foreign policy measures. When it came to foreign affairs bush did not rush into new actions or policy changes but gave himself time to consider the administration’s policies. He acted with firm conviction and determination, taking a conservative and pragmatic approach. In the Panama Bush sent in American troops to overthrow he corrupt regime of General Manuel Noriega, who was threatening the security of the canal and the Americans that were living there. Bush’s greatest test came when Iraqi President Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, and threatened to move into Saudi Arabia. He vowed to free Kuwait and rallied the United Nations Security Council who passed the Resolution 678 which authorized member states “to use all necessary means”, the U.S. people and congress to have sent in 425 000 American troops joined by 118 000 troops from allied nations to make Iraq withdraw from Kuwait. In December Bush has put forth a proposal to ensure the administration had exhausted all diplomatic efforts ensuring that war would be the last resort. He proposed that the Secretary of State should be sent to negotiate but the negotiations with Hussein went nowhere. Therefore, on January 12 congress voted to use military force against Iraq and the vote was an important win for Bush. The war ended in less than two months with minor casualties and Kuwait was freed. Critics argued that Bush did not succeed because even though he freed Kuwait, Hussein had still remained in power. However, Bush had been clear from the beginning that their primary aim was to free Kuwait which they achieved. He also pointed out that the removal of Hussein would have required longer military engagement and as a peacekeeping nation he did not want a longer war. Bush was also successful in redefining relations with the Soviet Union on a post-cold war environment. On December 1989 a summit between bush and Gorbachev,

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