Good Job Bible

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When the father’s son born into the inhabitable world, his wife couldn't handle living in such disparity. She constantly had the fear of being catched by savages, being raped, killed and then and eaten. (McCarthy 65). The mother couldn't handle living in such disparity and took her life. Everything that the man worked for his entire life became ash and the only thing left for him to live is his little boy. In the same way, the father is compared to the biblical character Job in the Old Testament of the bible. According to the bible Job was a very wealthy man who had a large family and extensive flocks. One day, Satan appears before God in heaven and God began to tell Satan how good Job is. However Satan argues that Job is only good because God has given him everything he ever wanted. …show more content…

God gave Satan permission to torment Job with all his power but couldn't take except take his life. Because of this, Job suffered tremendously. He lost all his wealth, his flock and family and became sick to the point of death. Job’s wife pressured him to simply curse God, give up and die because of his suffering (Job 2:9), While he suffered Job began to doubt as Job asks God: “Do you have eyes of flesh?” (Job 10:4). Once Job realized that God gave him everything, and God can take away everything , God returned Job’s health, providing him with twice as much property as before with new children, and an extremely long life. In comparison, the father in The Road who had everything, lost everything in just a matter of seconds. Going on day by day suffering from the cold, hunger and sickness, the father also recalls the advice of “cursing God and dying” (McCarthy 114). The father also wonders about God just as Job and quoted “Have you a neck by which to throttle you? Have you a heart? Damn you eternally have you a soul?” (McCarthy

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