The Megalomaniac And Egocentric Claudius In Shakespeare's Hamlet

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In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, acts of ruse play a critical role in the life of the megalomaniac and egocentric Claudius. Being extremely heartless and selfish, he betrays his family and peers countless times solely to remain as the royal leader of Denmark. Initially, Claudius appears to be an innocent king with solely good intentions for his state and his family. Although he lacks apathy towards Hamlet mourning his father’s death, as shown when he advises him, “Tis unmanly grief,” he seems to only say it out of “fatherly” advice (I.ii.98). However, a read flag goes up when a ghost, alleging to be Hamlet’s father, tells him Claudius poisoned his father, which is also Claudius’ own brother, in order to become king. It even goes so far as to describe him as a “incestuous, adulterate beast... that have the power so to seduce,” referring to him marrying Gertrude, Hamlet’s mother and Claudius’ sister-in-law (,44-45). The ghost accuses Claudius of taking part in ultimate family affair- killing his own brother and manipulating Gertrude into marrying him so he can rule over Denmark, obtaining the power he so desperately desires. These accusations are later proved to be true when Hamlet invites Claudius to a play that acts out he allegedly killing his brother. During the scene this takes place, Claudius storms out into the chambers, mystified, and later cries out to himself, “O, my offense is rank… a brother’s murder” (III.iii.40,42). So consumed by his burning desire to be

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