Compare Zinn's Contribution To Society

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Source Analysis Assignment In source one, Howard Zinn discusses how there is no necessity for incentives in order for individuals to work collectively to contribute to society. Zinn suggests that generally, since, everyone has similar basic needs, it is unnecessary to have wide income gaps. His beliefs are from a collectivist standpoint because he proposes that there should be a more balanced distribution of wealth for everyone. He would oppose the belief of elitism and would support ideas such as a Universal Basic Income which ensures that every individual in a country receives a sum of money from the government which allows them to have basic necessities met. A Universal Basic Income would also result in an increase of welfare for the whole …show more content…

Zinn believes the collective efforts of individuals alone, without a huge income motivating them would be efficient enough and would work well. He argues that there is no real proof that incentives are even necessary, therefore not needed. Zinn would agree with the philosopher and socialist St.Thomas Aquinas in the sense that Aquinas believes man can unselfishly work towards a goal together because everyone is willing to fulfill their own specific duties. This parallels with Zinn’s belief that people do not need huge incomes to incentivise them. On the other hand, Zinn would disagree with Adam Smith in his belief that man “seeks self interest in competition”. Zinn would contradict the idea that self interest alone is what motivates people to perform …show more content…

The artist is criticizing how Fidel Castro failed to lead Cuba successfully because he did not follow “The Marxist Theory” which explains how the artist shows Castro burning the book as if to show how Castro was opposing and Marx and Engels theories. Furthermore, the artist aims to say that not following “The Communist Manifesto” exactly would result in consequences such as a failed state. Castro’s plans for Cuba were unsuccessful and placed Cuba in horrific situations economically and socially to this today which is seen in the cartoon where the artist depicts Cuba as an isolated and torn-down state. The artist of the political cartoon criticizes how Castro poorly handled leading the country of Cuba for many years as a Prime Minister and as a President. The artist criticizes Fidel Castro as a leader but does not criticize the theories of Marx and Engels and of communism as a whole. The artist’s message is promoting Marx and Engels theories and sends the message that the “Marxist stage-theory six-step process” should be followed precisely to ensure success. Castro was a Marxist-Leninist which was a form of communism the Soviet Union, more specifically Vladimir Lenin had created as a twist on Marxism. However, some elements of this new form of Marxist-Leninism opposed Karl Marx’s own beliefs and theories which is assumed to be

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