Inhumanity In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Every single human being, at some point in time, goes through various troublesome experiences, be it a natural disaster, illness, an abusive relationship, a violent incident, or the loss of a loved one. However, some experiences are more devastating than others. Each survivor has his/her way of coping with the trauma and maintaining sanity. Elie Wiesel, one the survivors of the Holocaust, gives us some insight into dealing with tough experiences. He spent a year imprisoned in the Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration camps, the same camps where he lost all his family members (Wiesel 15). After his liberation, he moved to France where he learned French and studied Literature, Philosophy, and Psychology. He worked as a journalist for twenty …show more content…

It is the circumstances which preceded their disappearance. Even more disconcerting, is the fact that this mass killing was pointless. Generations of families—grandparents, parents, children, and grandchildren—vanished without any justification, if any, it would be barbaric cruelty. The blood of millions of restless Jews forever lies in Auschwitz and Treblinka. How does one respond to humanity after surviving such an inhuman experience of madness? Elie Wiesel, a survivor of the Holocaust, decided to respond by making words. He wrote in an attempt to provide a resting place for the departed so that they could find rest in the vehemence of his words. "Why I Write: Making No Become Yes" by Elie Wiesel is a controversial essay which successfully depicts a tormented survivor writing in a desperate attempt to perpetuate the existence of his Jewish brothers who lost their lives during the …show more content…

Even after the Jews were liberated, Wiesel still felt like a tormented survivor. Wiesel states, “Jewish children they haunt my writing” (Wiesel 18). As you can see, the graphic memories at the camps still strike back at Wiesel. Children in camps were starved, forced to work, and murdered. Wiesel is more likely to flashback about the children because of how young they were. Small children that have only been in the world for so little thought most of their future was going to be in a concentration camp. Which leads to Wiesel to keep remembering the children. Another statement by Wiesel is, “You, who never lived under a sky of blood, will never know what it is like” (Wiesel 18). Here Wiesel shows how tormented he is. Wiesel witnessed the damage caused by the Nazis. He remembers the physical damage that caused Jews to die. For example, the gassing, starvation, and burning of Jews. He also empathizes for the mental damage made. For example, the sadness and hopelessness of Jews trapped. The next statement by Wiesel is “I hear a voice within in me telling me to stop mourning the past” (Wiesel 17). The world continued and Wiesel still had troubles letting go. Wiesel knows how hard it is to let go of an event that only hurt himself, but the rest of the Jews. There are times when cannot simply let go. Only Wiesel and the rest of the 6 million Jews will know how this event affected

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