Irony Of The Hunter Becoming The Hunt In The Most Dangerous Game By Richard Connell

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In the short story “The Most Dangerous Game,” Richard Connell uses irony to show the theme of the hunter becoming the hunted . Sanger Rainsford is a big game hunter from New York City who believes that animals deserve no remorse when being hunted. When discussing whether it is right to hunt jaguars, Rainsford says, “The world is made up of two classes- the hunters and the huntees” (Connell 1). Rainsford shows little mercy for the lives of hunted animals and doesn’t care to think what it is like to be hunted. Later in the story, Rainsford meets General Zaroff and they are discussing their favorite game to hunt. General Zaroff implies that he hunts humans on his island and Rainsford responds with, “Hunting? Great Guns, General Zaroff, What you

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