Jason Browning Case

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EREPORT #19881 stated the following: On April 9th the Sheriffs Department was called out to the home for domestic violence and child abuse. Jason Browning was abusing the children and the mother on this date in their home.
Domestic violence took place in the home on this date in front of the children and Jason also beat the children in the home. Peggy Browning is another alleged perpetrator as she is Jason's mother and she hit Bella on this date during the altercation. Police were called to the home and Jason was arrested. The investigators at the sheriffs department told DHS supervisor about the incident for a worker to be present this morning at the sheriffs department when they were getting statements. The report was not called in on the …show more content…

Jason chocked Katlyn several times and threw hit into a table. Jason threw a beer can at Bella and bruised her leg. Jason grabbed Bella's wrist and twisted it and flipped her over and threw her and she hit ankle on wall. Jason choked Joleen and threw her against the fridge and cabinets. Jason choked Leah and threw her against the wall and then on the concrete porch. Peggy Browning threw Bella. Mom gave a statement of the abuse. Jason has not been talked to at this time. The child has a severe injury on Head, Neck, Back, Extremities (i.e., arms, legs, hands, feet, fingers, and toes). The injury is a bruise, laceration (cut), scratch and other Injury. All children have bruises and cuts. Bella has a cut on her left arm. Bella has a broken ankle and sprained wrist. The children have bruises and sores from being thrown and choked. The sheriffs department took pictures of the bruising and injuries. The children received medical attention immediately. All the children and the mother received medical attention at New Albany ER. Bella will follow up with orthopedic for broken ankle/possible cast. Jason was drunk during the incident according to the family. Jason is being charged with felony possession of pills as police found prescription medicine

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