Jonathan Bloom On Food Wasteland

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Jonathan Bloom authored a book about food waste in America called, American Wasteland. Bloom describes societal norms and values that contribute to food waste. Bloom is successful in getting his message across by effectively using phrases such as “food insecurity”, “cultural waste”, and “cultural shift” to highlight the severity of the issue, challenge societal norms, and encourage readers to act.

Bloom uses the phrase “food insecurity” to describe the lack of access to enough food for an active and healthy life for some Americans. He argues that food insecurity is a major problem in the United States and that it is linked to food waste. I, personally, have never experienced this but I have had friends that have been homeless and must go to food banks or scrape by financially to even afford food. I think the fact that there is so much food to go around that it is being wasted, is appalling to imagine that people who live in America still have insecurities around food. This phrase significantly stands out in the world of food waste because there …show more content…

He argues that our culture has become accustomed to wasting food and that this has serious environmental, economic, and social consequences. I have personally seen the differences between generations' relationship to food. My grandmother was the type to never waste anything and everything was purposeful, my mom on the other hand just does not have enough time to be purposeful and make sure all the food bought in the house is used. I feel this shift in culture is all cyclical, people must work more to pay bills and keep up with the Jones and intern at the end of the day just use the quick and easy option to get a meal, wasting the food in the fridge. By using this phrase, Bloom successfully gets his message across because it challenges readers to question their behavior and encourages them to

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