King Philip's War Essay

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King Philip’s War, also known as The First Indian War, was the Native American’s (in Southern New England) last attempt at saving their lands from colonial expansion. The tribes involved with fighting back to the English Settlers were the Pokanoket, Nipmucks, Naragansetts, and Pocumtucks. The resistance were led under Chief Metacon of the Pokunoket Tribe. This desperate uprising persisted for 14 months, which, in result, took 12 towns on the frontier. After the 14 months of war, Chief Metacom was captured by the English Settlers and executed. The some of the remaining Native Americans fled into present-day Canada, where they were captured and sold off into slavery. King Philip’s War is significant because it is known as one of the costliest wars in American history. It costed the Native Americans the lives of their people and their land, while costing the colonies a massive lost of lives and money to fund the war. In addition, this war was also significant for the New England colonists because they interpreted their victory as a good omen from God and a sign that their actions were righteous. Moreover, it also foreshadows the many other conflicts that the colonist will encounter with the Native people. The Proclamation of 1763 was a proclamation that told colonists that they couldn’t settle into the New …show more content…

In addition, Thomas Paine also filled the pages with ideas of democracy and the opposition to tyranny. Moreover, he wrote in such a way that the common person could understand his writing. This was significant because he appealed to people of all levels of education, therefore, he was able to persuade and influence more than the few wealthy individuals. Common Sense played a vital role in the American revolution because it was able to persuade people who were unsure of revolution, to support the patriot cause and fight against Great

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