Kwanzaa Essay

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Kwanzaa is a relatively new holiday that celebrates African heritage and culture. The holiday was created in 1966 by Maulana Karenga, an African-American professor of Africana Studies at California State University in Long Beach. The holiday was designed to be a non-religious, non-political celebration that would bring together African-Americans to honor their heritage and traditions. The holiday is celebrated annually from December 26th to January 1st.
It is based on ancient African harvest festivals, which were celebrated in many African cultures. “These festivals were times of thanksgiving for the harvest and for the blessings of the previous year. They were also times to remember and honor ancestors.” Karenga wanted to create a holiday that would bring African-Americans together and give them a sense of pride and unity.
The seven principles of Kwanzaa, also known as the Nguzo Saba, are a central part of the holiday and are …show more content…

Kwanzaa encourages entrepreneurship among African-Americans and promotes the importance of supporting Black-owned businesses. This has helped to empower African-Americans economically and increase their representation in the business world.
Kwanzaa also shows the importance of honoring ancestors and building a legacy for future generations. The holiday encourages families to reflect on their family history and traditions and to pass them down to the next generation. This helps to preserve African-American culture and history and ensures that it is not lost over time.
The holiday has helped to increase cultural awareness and understanding among African-Americans and non-African-Americans alike. The holiday provides an opportunity for people to learn about African culture, traditions, and practices. This has helped to break down stereotypes and promote greater understanding and respect for different

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