Malcom X And Frederick Douglass Comparison Essay

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Similarities between Dick Gregory Malcom X, and Frederick Douglass Malcom X, Dick Gregory, and Fredrick Douglass all have something in common. They all have struggled in life, but at the end, they succeeded and have worked for what they believed in. Douglass and Gregory both felt embarrassed at school. Similar to most people Malcom and Douglass have both gone through points in their life that have made them extremely unhappy or even suicidal, thankfully they both pushed through the hard times. Something that ties them all together is that fact that they all come from extremely under privileged homes. X and Douglass both have somebody they either wanted to live like or to impress them ex. Helan and Bimbi, while X was in jail, he had …show more content…

I had to go to school for that." I believe this was a true statement then and still is. I cannot relate to as my family has never lived in poverty and all my life I've been lucky to get an education, but one of my biggest inspirations, my grandfather was raised in Cuba a very un-privileged country he always would hear of people in America being wealthy and successful so they could be educated. I truly believe that education is something everybody needs and deserves. these three men have different stories of getting to where they got but they all had extreme courage and dedication. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" -Nelson Mandelais , most kids wouldn’t be so cruel and mean to others if they didn’t see if from the kids at school or their parents. All of these amazing men faced struggles many of us today will never face, saying that we have to realize that these people stood up for what they believed in regardless of what others thought they knew it was the only way anything change would happen, for Malcom it was the processing of having to get angry at himself to get where he wanted to bed, for Douglass he had to get the strength to move past his depression and for dick Gregory

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