Marching Band Exertion

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An activity comprised of physical exertion, skills in which a singular person or team competes against another, or for the entertainment of others by definition this is a sport. By society definition of a sport certain activities like golfing, football, or chess are categorized into these pastimes. Now there is an activity that uses all aspects of this sporting definition but many do not consider this a sport. Marching band being considered a sport is controversial in the eyes of many. Marching band utilizes entertainment for others, skills in which a singular person or team competes against another, and physical exertion. Marching band utilizes entertainment for others by the use of show bands. Most marching bands are seen at high school football …show more content…

By definition physical exertion is an activity of exercising muscles in numerous ways to stay healthy. Within marching band dependent upon whether you are competing different styles of marching required different amounts of physically need. Marching is not only walking in a military manner with regular measured thread but included all different types of performance elements. Students can condition like athletic groups do, they stretch before practices, they grow and establish muscle mass (Hatheway, Melissa, and Kris Chesky. "Epidemiology of health concerns among collegiate student musicians participating in marching band." Medical Problems of Performing Artists, vol. 28, no. 4, 2013, p. 242+. Academic OneFile, Accessed 14 Nov. 2016.), and some receive injuries from these techniques.(Moffit, Dani M., et al. "Marching band camp injury rates at the collegiate level." Medical Problems of Performing Artists, vol. 30, no. 2, 2015, p. 96+. Academic OneFile, Accessed 14 Nov. 2016.) Many like to compare marching band to other sports but it’s similar to comparing sports to other sports. Comparing soccer to football and explaining that one is better than other has no qualifying factors to its legitimacy. One sport can and should not be compared to other sports just like with marching

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