Concert Review Of The Play 'Madison Avenue Players'

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REXBURG--The Madison Avenue Players is proudly presenting Mary Poppins on Saturday and Monday at Madison High School.

Directed by Madison High drama teacher, Robert Hibbard, the show runs from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. with a 20 minute intermission.

Buy tickets soon or risk not getting a seat. Even before opening night, Mary Poppins had sold 1700 tickets using a new online ticketing system.

Having seen it twice already, Tabitha McCoy said, “I would say if you love musicals or plays go to see Mary Poppins because the kids did amazing.”

The kids are all Madison High students, called the Madison Avenue Players, and an ensemble of elementary children. Starring Maryn Tueller, a senior at Madison, as Mary Poppins.

Crew member Mikayla Lee loves being …show more content…

However, some audience members find the play to be too long and drawn out.

At 3 hours Mary Poppins is one of the longer musicals available to high school theater, which can stretch the patience of the audience.

Yet, Act 2 rewards members who didn’t leave during intermission with the three most energetic scenes of the play: let 's go fly a kite, step in time, and anything can happen.

The cast entertains audience members as Mary Poppins flies in and out of scenes, kites are flown over the audience, and a disco ball transforms the auditorium into star filled heavens.

A special effect unique to high school productions, flying characters across the stage required some additional expertise. The school hired a company called Flying By Foy out of Los Vegas.

The company came in, set up the equipment, and trained the cast and crew on how to use the system.

Mary Poppins flies more than just a few times in this play and Maryn Tueller loves it.

Playing Mary herself, Tueller feels as though Mary Poppins is magical and the songs bring tears to her eyes when she sings

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