Michelangelo's Accomplishments

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Did you know that Michelangelo is considered the “Father and Master of All the Arts”? Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel all alone and this gave him great anguish, which was helped by the woman he loved, Vittoria Colonna. Michelangelo supposedly also had a homosexual relationship, but that does not affect the fact that he was a brilliant, amazing artist from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries who created many extravagant works of art, such as the Sistine Chapel, “David”, and “Pieta” Michelangelo’s full name was “Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni”. Michelangelo was born on March the sixth, 1475. He was born in Caprese (Republic of Florence), Italy. He was one of four siblings. Michelangelo’s family was quite moderate and they had a …show more content…

(Michelangelo, the Complete Works). One of his masculine creations is the most famous image in the Sistine Chapel, and it is the “Creation of Adam”. One of his masculine statues is his “David”, which is 17 feet tall. Another impressive feat though is that he created his “Pieta” statue at just 25 years of age. These accomplishments helped his become know as the most talented artist in the entirety of the Italian Renaissance. A downside to Michelangelo is his quick temper and his dislike of authority. He also went through major spells of depression. (Creighton E. Gilbert). For some strange reason his aesthetic feeling toward art brought him sorrow and anguish. (Michelangelo, the Complete Works). One of his literary works reads “I am here in great distress and with great physical pain, and have no friends of any kind, nor do I want them; and I do not have enough time to eat as much as I need; my joy and my sorrow/my response are these discomforts”. He also had two biographies written about him while he was still alive. He had fame and wealth while living, unlike many other people in

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