Mongol Empire Response To Natural Disasters

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The way in which a society responds to natural disasters is varied. This is not only true for dissimilar disasters among different civilization, even identical natural disasters can be viewed in broadly different lights. In fact, the natural disaster occurring appears to be completely irrelevant. The attitude surrounding the natural disaster is reliant on the society being afflicted.
The Mongol Empire’s response to natural disasters was one of a religious nature. They believed that religious specialists had the ability wield command over the weather. “There happened at the time to be a great drought. No sooner had the celebration of the Full Moon begun, than rain fell heavily. The people were afraid it would interfere with the processions. …show more content…

Some became recluse within a small group of well individuals believing that living without excess would aid in resisting the illness. While others believed that overindulgence was the answer. They would spend their time drinking and celebrating believing happiness was the best medicine. Some simply fled. Unfortunately, one occurrence that was universal among these widely diverse grouping was desertion. The sick or those thought to be sick were discarded, even children were not immune to this inhumane treatment. “This disaster had struck such fear into the hearts of men and women that brother abandoned brother…and – even worse, almost unbelievable – fathers and mothers neglected to tend and care for their children as if they were not their own” (203). Europe’s attitude became very much indifferent to the sick and dying, there was no religious or fate elements just simply self-preservation.
These civilizations responded to their natural disasters in occurrence with how the lived as a society. The Mongols were a spiritual civilization who believed unfavorable weather could be influenced by religious specialists and saw their natural disasters as god’s will. North Africans, on the other hand, viewed the black plague and other natural disasters with acceptance as they were nature’s way of recycling itself. Europe only saw fear in the black plaque and went through great costs to evade it. How a natural disaster is perceived is very much dependent on the society in which is being

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