Pearl Harbor Significance

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The significance of the Battle of Britain and the attack of Pearl Harbor contribute to World War II in many ways. The battle of Britain was mainly persuade due to the “Operation of Sea Lion,” Germans goal to invade Britain and to establish air superiority. Adding on, the famous Pearl harbor was in conflict with Japan after rising tension escalated and Japan made the first move into war. Therefore, Pearl harbor was a big impact of WWII because U.S finally entered the war after Japan tried to cripple the Pacific Fleet. As for Britain, Germany was trying to successfully knock Britain out of the war for Europe to be German-occupied.

The Battle of Britain occurred July 10, 1940 - October 31,1940. This battled advanced to the English …show more content…

As the Germans would say,” Adlertag!” Started as waves of attacks against Essex, Kent, Hampshire and Sussex. The German Luftwaffe flew 727 missions in response. Secondly, August 16,1940: James Nicolson ( Flight Lieutenant) was wounded by Messerschmitt Bf 110 ( A Nazi developed fighter-bomber). He suffered from serious burn injuries after his small airplane was caught on fire. Lastly, August 31,1940: Three women with the names of Sergeant Joan Mortimer, Corporal Elspeth Henderson and Sergeant Helen Turner were presented with medal for gallantry. They were valued for staying at their post during …show more content…

In Hawaii territory at a Naval Base. On the side of Japan's leader, Yamamoto Isoroku was Japan’s greatest strategist. Presenting on U.S side, President Franklin Roosevelt America's greatest. In addition, some key events of this fight: Firstly, In 1940: Resulting of Japan’s actions in the war, America's trade limited how Japan could trade their goods. Number two: January 1941: An American interpreted a japanese message about an upcoming attack on Pearl Harbor. What if America didn’t ever put the blockade of trading goods on Japan? If America didn’t stir the pot,so to speak, Japan wouldn’t have felt threatened and tried to get revenge on U.S, resulting in American not entering in

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