Pennsylvania State Capitol Design Essay

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The tiles on the floor in The Pennsylvania State Capitol Building in Harrisburg are very fascinating. The tiles are fascinating because each tile is a mosaic that represent an individual topic. There are 377 tiles on the floor in the capitol building. The tiles were made in Bucks County by a tile maker named Henry Chapman. Most of the tiles are in the Rotunda Passageway. (Murphy). The cost of all the tiles together is $48,000. (About the Capitol) The dome in the Pennsylvania state capitol is very large. The dome is the most noticed part of the Pennsylvania State Government. The building is 5 stories high and has Vermont granite. The roof of the building has green Tera Cotta tile. (Murphy) The Capitols center piece is 272 feet, and weighs …show more content…

The doors weigh 2,000 pounds and they are 17feet wide. He doors are found at the entrance of the building. There are different kinds of heads on the doors as well. They are heads of the people who helped build the State Capitol Building. (Pennsylvania state Capitol) Also the Senate Camber door is only 6 feet high. (Murphy) The house chamber has 203 members this in on the 2nd floor of the south side on the State Capitol Building. The democratic people are seated on the left side in the room and the republican people are seated on the right side of the room. I that room there are 14 stained glass windows each of them represent a different topic. One of the biggest murals is called apotheosis. Also in this room there are 6 crystal chandeliers and wood desks. There are 1,000 lights in the chandeliers. (The Pennsylvania Capitol) The senate that work in the State Capitol Building work for 4-year terms. 2-year legislative senators see as many as 2,000 bills. 1⁄10 become laws. “ Eight members of the state senate have gone on to serve as governors, 13 have been elected lieutenant Governor, and 1⁄2 of the senators have also served in the house”. The senators desk is made of mahogany. The room has bronze windows and has stained glass windows. Beautiful glass chandeliers hang from the ceiling. (The Pennsylvania

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