Personal Narrative-The Day We Play Iowa Falls

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The Day We Play Iowa Fallst

have you ever played basketball in your lifetime. Well i'm going to tell a story about basketball when we beat IOWA FALLS. The HAMPTON BULLDOGS played IOWA FALLS it was exciting okay. Now the story.
Okay the day we play IOWA FALLS is the day I was excited to play them because they sucked at basketball. They were the worst. It like the HAWKEYES playing the CYCLONES and the HAWKEYES win or beat the CYCLONES to the ground. And it was funny.

Okay during that day I was in school I was hoping we were going to win in my head a lot of times I was excited to play so it was getting close to the end of the day so at 3:05 we left class and we all meet at the cafeteria or lunchroom and we waited for everyone to come to the lunchroom and 5 min later they did. It was at 3:15 we were on the bus. Just leaving the school and on the bus we the team had music on on the way there and some of us were sleeping or napping for the game. So it took 20 min to get to IOWA FALLS and when we got of the bus we were excited to play them and destroy them. …show more content…

In there we were changing into our uniforms and we have meeting in there to so we did and coach told us the game plan for A team. Then we all head towards the gym and right a way A team started to practice and IOWA FALLS was to and i said to myself we are going to win 100 hundred time in my mind. Then the game was going to start and some of us were getting food and the rest were sitting

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