Persuasive Essay On Abortion

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Abortion was first banned in the 1800’s and first overturned in the 1960’s. Most people who are against it are classified as “pro-life” and believe getting one is killing an unborn child without reason. In 1973 Roe vs Wade, a single woman challenged the right to have an abortion in Texas.
What makes this a big deal after all these years? Should women have the right to get an abortion? On January 22,1973, the Supreme court granted the right to women to get an abortion. By making them legal in 1990 the number of cases went down. According to a study that found out that by 24-hour waiting period, abortions have declined. Most women went out of state to get one. Abortions are looked at as dangerous and killing a lot of women. They are trying to protect the health of women. …show more content…

The supreme court does not have to overturn Roe vs Wade to undermine the right to abortions. In
1992 the court altered that standard, allowing an abortion until the woman's doctor deems the
[Last Name] 2 fetus viable. The debate should women be allowed to have the right to abortion will always be up in the air. Whether it is legal or not, abortions will never stop.
Abortion is a medical procedure to end a pregnancy. A prior name was called
“quickening,” which is a term for fetal movement. In cases with women being raped or a part of incest will have to travel to get an abortion, due to most states have banned abortions. Some people are relying on this as some type of birth control. Making women carry through a pregnancy against their will have to suffer with a low-income me household, abusive partner, and other significant issues to face. If a miscarriage happens the family will be investigated,

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