Persuasive Essay On Capital Punishment

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Today, many criminals are getting away with either little or no punishment for the crimes they are committing. How would you feel having a serial killer on the loose, worrying every second about the safety of your your own life and your loved ones. SWhy not establish the death penalty in Canada? I say death penalty should be reintroduced because so If the person is going to jail till they die why bother keeping them alive? Are we just giving them the chance to escape? That may sound harsh but to me it seems a very logical answer to this is to just kill them. In a humane way, of course. Even raging serial killers that raped and murdered like 20 innocent girls should... oh wait I think they should be tortured slowly until death. But our society doesn't work that way (which I think everyone should be thankful for). Besides, that would drag us down to their level! Second of all, the amount of money the Canadian government spends on prisons is incredible. Nearly more than 3 billion dollars is spent each year to …show more content…

However, watching stories on the news of how a man is only getting 5 years in jail for kiddie porn cmy three rharges, molestation, and various other disgusting things, not only boils my blood but also scares the living sh-it out of me. And I wasn't the one that was victim to some sick-o. Think of how the victim and their family feels. Would they feel safe that there was always a chance that the same guy is coming to get them? Wouldn't they move on faster, go to bed at night happy, knowing that they and their family was safe? That the rage and hatred and guilt would fade away (faster) knowing justice had been served? If anything, people should get longer sentences. But my debate isn't on how screwed up the justice system is, it's about the death penalty. Yet I think it would please the public more that the guy is dead then that he is being treated better than the

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