Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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While growing up, everyone is constantly told how drugs are bad for you, over and over again and nobody ever seems to question it. They just listen to their parents, teachers, or whoever is their superior. The majority of drugs are, in fact, bad for you. However, marijuana has never been proven to be harmful to the body. Shockingly enough, there has never been a single recorded death caused by use of or an overdose of the drug. The effects of marijuana on the body and whether it should be legalized or not is in high debate, and has been for as long as the drug has existed. In today's society marijuana is constantly brought up in all the medias mainstream sources like social media, TV and movies, and music. Time and time again the drug has been proven to be beneficial in a number of ways, including health, economy, and crime. The legalization of marijuana will greatly impact American society in a positive way. Many people would be very unhappy about its legalization due to a number of reasons, but the recreational use of the drug could be limited to users only being able …show more content…

Although it has never been proven it is thought that it is hard for any cannabis user to stop using this drug on their own. This is due to the effects on the thinking of smokers. Another opposing argument speaks about driving while high, many studies have shown that it may slow reaction time and focus. Although, this may not be true considering the accident rate in Colorado has gone down ever since the legalization of the drug. Some people say that it should be illegal because it is used as a painkiller, but then you could argue that there are prescription painkillers sold daily around the country. Many of these painkillers are much more dangerous and addictive than marijuana. So how is marijuana any different from

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