Pros And Cons Of Abolition And Abolition Of Capital Punishment Under Human Law

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H.L INSTITUTE OF COMMERCE JUSTIFICATION AND ABOLITION OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT UNDER HUMAN RIGHTS LAW AND ITS RELATED PROS AND CONS HENI FALGUNKUMAR SHAH ROLL NO 172 CLASS G2 [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] ABOLITION & JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT UNDER HUMAN RIGHTS LAW The person who are killed because of some frightful crime or because of doing something wrong. This type of punishment is called capital punishment. Known as:- death penalty -It is a legal process -sentenced to death -because of crime i.e death sentence Capital punishment was common in ancient times i.e. whosoever commited a crime that is big or small was sentenced to death and that also by torturing them. Sometimess a person in peer pressure or because of bitting even if he has not commmited any crime, accept it and given a death sentence. There are two countries that are still following the capital punishment i.e almost 58 nations alike. And others have abolished i.e 98 countries have abolished fully for every crime wherass 7 have abolished for ordinary crimes and TODAY, The youth who has commited a crime who is below 18 years of age are disqualified except in Iran, Saudi arabia and Sudan. What does capital investment include?

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