Pros And Cons Of Electoral College

702 Words3 Pages

Nicholas Hom
Baker 1A
1 March 2023
Electoral College There are many ways to elect a United States President from a random selection to a popular vote. The topic on how the United States should elect a president has been in debate for quite some time. However, the best way to elect a president is through the Electoral College process. This is because the Electoral College has continued to produce a president, it is fair most of the time, and other methods aren’t as good. First, it has worked for a long time. Hamilton does a wonderful job of explaining the pros of the electoral college. “The mode of appointment of the Chief Magistrate of the United States is...I venture... and hesitate not to affirm that if the manner of it be not perfect, it is at least excellent.” (Hamilton). Here Hamilton explains that through each election there has been a president. It may not be the perfect option but certainly it is excellent. The electoral college is also a fair process. The says, “Every state is guaranteed at least one seat in the House and two in the Senate.” This shows that the Electoral College gives each state a fair vote according to their size. It also keeps larger states from having too much of an advantage over smaller …show more content…

In a popular vote, voting fraud is much easier to commit. In electoral College, fraud does little to affect the entire election but in a popular vote, voter fraud will have a much greater effect. Furthermore, Popular vote does not get smaller states and minorities involved in the election. Some may argue that Electoral college is unfair because someone could win the popular vote and lose the whole election because they did not win the Electoral College. This is a flawed argument because the point of the election is to get everyone opinion and in the popular vote only the majority's opinion matters. In electoral college every state has a say in electing the

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