Pros And Cons Of Female Genital Mutilation

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Should female genital mutilation be legalized? Female circumcision also referred to as genital mutilation (FGM) is the action or traditional practice of cutting off the clitoris and sometimes the labia of girls or young women for certain reasons or benefits. This practice has been less considered in our world, but it became an important topic up for debate in certain states and suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO). This process has been practiced for centuries in some part of Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Female circumcision is debated upon because different people have different views on the matter. Most people say that it is safe and assumed to reduce sexually transmitted infections and HIV and many more sex related benefits. …show more content…

Even though there are benefits, there are reasons female circumcision shouldn’t be legalised. “We’ve seen hugely increased attention on this problem in the past few years and we are now waking up to the scale of this terrible practice” (Pamela Geller, September 24, 2015). This practice has disadvantages that are much more considerable than the benefits. It involves removing and damaging healthy and normal female genital tissue, and interferes with the natural functions of girls' and women's bodies. This brings immediate complications such as severe pain and haemorrhage, which can cause death. In most cases or arguments we have for legalising something, the benefits should always outweigh the disadvantages; in this case, the disadvantages seem to outweigh all the benefits. The world health organization has set aside all the possible allegations that it wants it to be legalised. There are certain policy matters that the WHO has set towards this practice of female circumcision. Female genital mutilation can lead to death, severe chronic pain, haemorrhage, urinary retention, urinary tract infections, keloid scars, strictures, fistula, incontinence, infertility, painful intercourse, painful periods, neuroma, recurrent infections, septicaemia, transmission of hepatitis, tetanus and many more other

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