Similarities Between Lincoln And Julius Caesar

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Although Julius Caesar and Abraham Lincoln lived in extremely different time periods of history, both were highly favored, strong leaders of powerful nations. Both were assassinated by conspirators. Let’s discuss the backgrounds of Julius Caesar, and Abraham Lincoln, and analyze how they are similar.
Gaius Julius Caesar was born approximately July 12/13, 100 BCE.
He steadily rose in rank and power until 49 BCE when he defeated his enemy Pompey the Great. After the civil war, Pompey was assassinated, and Julius was named Caesar, dictator of the whole Roman empire.
Throughout the next few years, Julius Caesar came out victor in several more conquests, increasing both in power and in wealth. Soon some influential senators, most notably …show more content…

“the ides of March” (March 15, 44 BCE), they, along with several other senators, brutally assassinated Julius Caesar, stabbing him to death, claiming it was for the good of the people.
Born on February 12, 1809, Abraham Lincoln was of humble birth.
His family lived in a simple log cabin, and were farmers by trade. Largely self-taught, Lincoln immersed himself into reading any book he could acquire. In 1836, he began a law practice in Illinois, and from 1834-1840 he was elected a member of the Illinois State Legislature. After a failed attempt for a seat in the senate, Lincoln went on to win the 1860 election for president. Unfortunately, after his election, several southern states seceded from the Union in opposition to his election. As a result, the nation was plunged into a bloody civil war. Following 5 years of battle, the
Union, led by President Lincoln, defeated the southern Confederacy, led

by Confederate President Jefferson Davis. Soon after the war, on April
14, 1865, a famous actor, John Wilkes Booth, conspired against the
President. That evening, he shot President Lincoln in the back of the head; Lincoln died the next

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